




{Dream Life Creation Marathon} Speaker Theo Giannioses

Theo Giannioses incorporates over 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial business expertise into her transformational coaching business. In recent years, working with clients not only from a business perspective but through incorporating personal development, has resulted in her clients rapidly growing their businesses to achieve their desired income goals. Many clients have been able to leave their corporate careers or expand their business to live a lifestyle of freedom.

She has developed a specific focus on assisting women when they reach that midlife phase of their lives. This can be a time when they are considering a career change, enhancing relationships, developing a better sense of self or simply seeking to uncover their true soul purpose. Theo works individually with clients as well as in online group experiences. Later this year, she will be hosting a weekend retreat in a luxury location near Portland, Oregon.

Her topic is Renew Yourself, which will provide you with some guidelines for taking that next step to redesign, renew and transform your life.

Connect with Theo:   Website | Facebook | Facebook Page

Theo’s gift: Redesign your Life (a 7-day online challenge)

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