




{Dream Life Creation Marathon} Speaker Imani K.Brown

Imani K. Brown is international tattoo artist/ (manga) illustrator + brand specialist, native to Washington, DC.

As a creative, she has visually communicated most of her life. And as a tattoo artist/ illustrator + 20 year lifestyle creative entrepreneur, she’s excited to share her creative entrepreneurship journey, chasing her wildest creative dreams and living her best Kawaii + creative life.

Understanding her influence and brand success using basic and practical communication tools, she stumbled upon a resoundingly deep passion for helping other visual artists, crafters + hobbyist dreamers like herself understand the power and magic in using this skill set in business, branding, & beyond.

Her aim is to help you give yourself permission to dream BIG, ditch the fear and create with intention ~ using practical tools … and pictures.

Connect with Imani: Website | Facebook PageInstagram

Imani’s Gift: Creative Strategy Planner

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